안녕 하새요 요러분!!!! Hello Everybody!
(PeterPan) - Mr. Smee!
-Uh, yes Cap'n?
-Release the princess, and take her back to her people!
-Aye aye sir! Release the prin... But Cap'n!
-Those are me orders Mr. Smee!
-... Aye aye sir...
(cut to Cap'n Hook) - And just what do you think you are doing, Mr. Smee?
-Just what you told me Cap'n. Carrying out your orders!
-MY orders?
-Why yes Cap'n, didn't you just say to....
-PUT HER BACK! YOU BLITHERING IDIOT!.. ... Oh, of all the...
(Peter Pan) - Mr. Smee! Just exactly what do you think you are doing?
-Putting her back like you said Cap'n!
-I said nothing of the sort!
-Buh buh Cap'n! Bu...
-For the last time Mr. Smee, take the princess back to her people....
- ...aye aye sir...

I honestly can't think of a real good application to this one like I
did with all the others. Then again, that's what I said about the last
one to and it turned out beautifully. So, you never know, this one
could definitely have a little hidden gem thatI'm just gonna find out
as i continue to type this. Who knows, honestly? This one I just
wanted to throw in because earlier this week this movie popped into my
head and I had an extremely enjoyable time quoting it with my
companion to entertain our lunch table. It was awesome!

Anyway, to explain the tardiness of this email... I feel like I'm in
high school again, making excuses for papers... Sorry, tangent there.
The computer system was down during my normal time to type an email,
and I was unable to take time out of my schedule yesterday to type it
up and so yeah! Here I am!

Now, what can I mention about this week? ... Ah yes.

Unfortunately it finally happened. I heard this about a week or so
ago, that apparently, the food here is really good.... until you get
sick of it. And, I am terribly depressed to report that this is indeed
the case... Now I have nothing to go to when I am down in the
dumps.... -sniff- No! Jokes, jokes. Take it from me, eating away your
pain is never a good thing. In fact, when you do it too much... I'm
not going to bother explaining actually, it's one of those really
self-explanatory topics that I have addressed in these emails quite

We also got another group of missionaries moving in that are going to
Korea as well! One of them is coming in soon who is actually from
Cambodia! I can't imagine how difficult it would be to learn a
language through your second language.... That would be insanely
difficult. So... yeah. We are excited for that. I am having some
serious issues finding a good subject that I could actually talk about
instead of treating this like a journal entry... "Dear Diary, today I
had scrambled eggs for breakfast..." No, we are not going to go there.
And no, I do not begin my journal entries with "Dear Diary..." ... But
i digress.

Oh! And, of course, the fantastic news of the week is that one of my
good friends , Elder McEntire has arrived in the MTC! Woot!! Oh man,
that was quite the reunion. It was actually kind of funny, because I
had forgotten that the new missionaries on Wednesday dinner have it
earlier than all of the old missionaries... Older... Anyway, since I
had forgotten that, Wednesday evening I was not able to  have dinner
because I spent the entire time walking around the entire cafeteria,
searching every table for ELder McEntire, and getting some wonderful
looks in return. So, after scouring the whole place, and staring down
a couple of missionaries, pinning one up against the wall until he
told me where Matt was, I finally had to give up and go back to where
my district was eating. I mean, had eaten. They were all done by the
time i got back, so I didn't have time to eat because it was then time
to go back to class. And this is the time that my companion finds it
convenient to finally tell me that new missionaries are indeed on a
separate schedule... Thank you, thank you so much.

I was a little disappointed when i found out that Elder McEntire and I
don't really have that much of the same schedule, or study in the same
building, but then I realized that, while the awesome level of this
place would inmprove dramatically, the productivity would plummet...
Oh well...

Well, it is that time again where I must leave. I am most terribly
sorry if I forgot to mention any topics that I may or may not have
promised in previous emails to mention. Wish everyone the best of luck
with all your endeavors!

Good luck and God Speed to you all!

Elder Jeremy Annen
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